Are low on-treatment systolic blood pressure values associated with cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality in patients randomized to different SBP targets?


eMediNexus    27 December 2017

The investigators performed a study to assess the association between on-treatment systolic blood pressure (SBP) values, cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality in patients randomized to different SBP targets. The pooled data comprised 1,94,875 on-treatment SBP measurements in 13,946 patients (98.9%). The results published in the Circulation journal demonstrated that during a median follow-up of 3.3 years, cardiovascular events occurred in 1,014 patients (7.3%), and 502 patients died (3.7%). It was reported that for both blood pressure targets, an identical shape of the J curve was present, with a nadir for cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality just below the SBP target. Thus, it was concluded that low on-treatment SBP values are associated with increased cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. This relationship has been found to be independent of the attained blood pressure level due to the alignment of the J curve with the SBP target.

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